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Anglican Province of Christ the King


The America based Province of Christ the King follows the teaching of Jesus Christ and celebrates historic Christianity in the Anglican tradition. Our beliefs are based on the Bible and the time-honored creeds of the Church. We uphold family values and New Testament morality and use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer for our worship services. ​
With Jesus Christ and His sacrament of Holy Communion at our core, we worship God and preach the Gospel in the beauty and ordered dignity of Christ-centered service. We are a sacramental church, believing that God works through matter-in the waters of Holy Baptism, in the bread and wine of the Holy Eucharist. He works through each of us as His Body, the Church.​
The parishes of Christ the King are open to all who seek the comfort of the Holy Sacraments, the guidance of Scripture and God's companionship and love. If you are seeking a timeless and vibrant faith, with beautiful liturgy, traditional music and Biblical preaching, we welcome you.​​
The dynamic Anglican faith that produced:
•the King James Bible
•most of Western Christendom's great church music
•the literature of writers such as William Shakespeare, T. S. Eliot, C. S. Lewis, and Dorothy Sayers
•eleven U.S. presidents and most of our nation's founding fathers lives on in the Anglican Province of Christ the King.​


We invite you to explore our website and find a church near you.​​


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