St. Stephen's Anglican Episcopal Church

​Diocese of the Western States of the Anglican Province of Christ the King
How to Help
There are many ways to help at St. Stephen's. Here are some examples of ways to get involved:
Food Pantry - St. Stephen's donates to the St. Helena Community Food Pantry. If you have canned goods or other non-perishable food items to donate, you may drop them at the church in the food pantry bin.
Volunteer work
Donation to the Ministry of Fr. Dillon
Donation to building maintenance
How Can We Help You?
Do you have a need? Sometimes we have questions about God or a situation where we could use some guidance but we don't know where to turn. Other times we are faced with a difficult or tragic situation and could use help from the community. If you have a question or need we can help with, we would like to hear about it. Please send us a message from our Contact page.